Notice & News
- 2019-11-13
시약제조회사 H1 SemiChem 설립
한국에이티아이가 2019년 11월 H1 SemiChem, Inc 을 미국 조지아주에 오픈했습니다.
(위치 : 1008 Industrial Ct. Suite D&E, Suwanee, GA 30024 U.S.A.)
H1 Semichem은 반도체 공정에 필요한 시약 분석과 고품질의 시약 제작을 위해 노력하고 있습니다.
H1 SemiChem는 고객의가치창조에 기반한최적의 서비스를제공하기 위해지속해서 개선하고노력하는 기업이되겠습니다.
ATI Korea would like to announce that our affiliate company, H1 SemiChem, is open for business as of November of 2019.
The address of H1 SemiChem is 1008 Industrial Ct. Suite D & E, Suwanee, GA 30024, USA.
H1 SemiChem was established for the purpose of analyzing semiconductor-grade reagents to ensure that
the reagents meet the highest standards in consistency and quality.
H1 SemiChem strives to be technological innovators and make constant improvements to meet and exceed the expectations and
satisfactions to our current and future clients.
Thank you.